Maine - Voters will decide whether or not to uphold the state's legalization of same-sex marriage.
Washington state - A so-called "everything but marriage" law that expands the state's current domestic partnership law will be on the ballot.
Kalamazoo, Michigan - Voters will decide on an ordinance that prohibits discrimination against gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender individuals.
Washington state, along with California, Oregon, New Jersey, and the District of Columbia, have laws that either recognize civil unions or domestic partnerships that afford same-sex couples similar rights to marriage. While Maine and Washington state will get most of the focus in November's election, a gay rights ordinance in the southwestern Michigan city of Kalamazoo is getting national attention from groups on both sides as well.
The city's ordinance, which outlaws employment, housing and public-accommodation discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identification, took effect July 9 but was suspended once opponents turned in enough signed petitions to force a public vote.
Equality is truly under attack folks. As soon as you think progress is being made across the country...and it truly is, we begin to somehow back-tread over the steps we've just taken. Keep your eyes on these states as I will. But don't just stop there by looking, act on it. Just as Arizona recently reversed on its provision of state benefits to familyblendz (gay families), these 3 states are attempting to back-tread as well.
No one said this would be easy, but lets get this party started!